
Our spiritual leaders need to step up to heal our political divisions. By Simone Campbell, For Religion News Service

February 16th, 2022
“My friend Rabbi Sharon Brous recently shared with a group of us where she finds hope. She quoted Psalm 126: “Those who sow in tears, reap in joyous song.” Rabbi Brous reminded us that “we have wept sacred tears, crying out for justice and equity, love and fairness. Those tears have not been wasted. For years, our tears have cultivated the soil for transformation, making it possible for a true multiracial democracy to one day flourish. So I remain hopeful, knowing that yesterday’s tears will one day bear the fruit of the beautiful world yet to be born.”

Amen, Rabbi, amen”

“My friend Rabbi Sharon Brous recently shared with a group of us where she finds hope. She quoted Psalm 126: “Those who sow in tears, reap in joyous song.”

Rabbi Brous reminded us that “we have wept sacred tears, crying out for justice and equity, love and fairness. Those tears have not been wasted. For years, our tears have cultivated the soil for transformation, making it possible for a true multiracial democracy to one day flourish. So I remain hopeful, knowing that yesterday’s tears will one day bear the fruit of the beautiful world yet to be born.”

Amen, Rabbi, amen”