Elizabeth Saiger

Elizabeth Saiger joined IKAR upon moving to California 8 years ago from New York. She has had 3 children go through the IKAR Early Childhood Center and was involved in the Parent Advisory Council and the formation of the Prayground. She loves her continual work with the Hesed committee and is always looking for new ways to connect and support members. She is a Texan but spent summers at Camp Ramah in Ojai where she met her husband David.  Elizabeth is a systems thinker, lover of connecting and an organizer. Professionally she works in academic operations in the field of Education Reform and is currently the Director of Academic Operations at Ednovate Charter Schools, a network of high performing charter high schools.

Elizabeth is honored and thrilled to be joining the IKAR board and asked to join in honor of her late grandfather and many other family members who are leaders in the Jewish community.