The Path Forward
2 days ago • Feb 12, 2025
The Path Forward Film + Q&A
Join us for the film followed by a discussion with Rabbi Sharon Brous and the filmmakers Mo Husseini and Julie Cohen.. About the Film: A growing chorus of Palestinians and Israeli Jews speak up against war, occupation, and violence, and for peace, justice, empathy, and sanity.. Attending Virtually? SIGN UP HERE!. Co-Sponsors: IKAR, JStreet, NewGround, New Israel Fund.
5785 Adult Learning Series

Welcome to IKAR’s Adult Learning Line-up for 5785. We’ve got something for everyone. Let’s learn, grow, and connect together.

Holding Our Community Amidst the Fires

Our goal is to contribute in ways that are thoughtful, impactful, and sustainable. We are working with our community partners to assess exactly what the needs are and how best our community can be of service. Even as we address the proximate and immediate needs of our community and our cities, we are committed to the long term fight against climate devastation, which we must prioritize as we grapple with the long-term livability of our city and planet.

IKAR’s mission is to reanimate Jewish life and develop a spiritual and moral foundation for a just and equitable society.

Fusing piety and hutzpah, obligation, and inspiration, IKAR is a dynamic, multi-generational community that fosters a yearning for personal, purposeful, creative engagement in Jewish life, particularly among young and disaffected Jews. Rooted in Los Angeles and reaching globally, we strive to actively and intentionally celebrate the vibrancy and diversity of the Jewish people.


“Love your neighbor, and love yourself. That is the whole Torah. All the rest is commentary” — Hillel

We believe that the active pursuit of justice and dignity for all is a core expression of our Jewish spiritual and religious selves, and we integrate that belief into everything we do at IKAR. Minyan Tzedek is how we harness the organizing power of our entire community to work toward the world as it ought to be. Our goal is 100% community participation through one of our four paths: Feeding Our Neighbors, Green Action, IKAR Community Organizing, and Global Partnership.

IKAR is fueled by the love, talent, and creative investment of each of our community members.

Our membership is an expression of individual commitments and a way for each person to expand their Jewish horizons through learning and spiritual growth.

A Land for All
Responding to the Crisis in Israel and Gaza

Support IKAR

IKAR’s mission is to reanimate Jewish life and develop a spiritual and moral foundation for a just and equitable society.

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