IKAR Reflects

Yom HaShoah 2024 and The Future of Memory

Click here to view our poignant lunch and learn with Auschwitz Survivor Ella Mandel and Amit, Zeve, and Oren Zilberstein, Jason Neidleman, and Alexia Gyorody, the second, third, and fourth generation of family members who both survived and perished in the Shoah. As living survivor numbers dwindle, we explored together how we can understand and hold their experiences in ways that co-create a more just, humane and dignified future for one another and our world. Co-produced by Peanut Productions.

Party With A Purpose
Party With A Purpose

Sunday, June 2, 5pm

Sunday, June 2, 5pm

Celebrating 20 Years of IKAR Magic


Sunday, 6/2, 5pm, Historic Woman’s Club, RSVP


Honoring the Founding Board and celebrating founding members. Join us for a magical evening of food, drinks and dessert.


Have an awesome experience you can donate or source for our auction? Let us know here!


Purchase tickets and sponsorships here.


Attire: Magical and festive

Celebrating 20 Years of IKAR Magic


Sunday, 6/2, 5pm, Historic Woman’s Club, RSVP


Honoring the Founding Board and celebrating founding members. Join us for a magical evening of food, drinks and dessert.


Have an awesome experience you can donate or source for our auction? Let us know here!


Purchase tickets and sponsorships here.


Attire: Magical and festive

Responding to the crisis in Israel and Gaza

Click here to watch, listen, and read.

-Remembering and Rebuilding Kfar Azza




-On Israel

-Importont articles featuring our partner organizations


“The meaning comes not from what we have, but what we share” – Rabbi Sharon Brous

Thank you for supporting our community.


Your generous contribution to IKAR will help sustain and develop our community by providing meaningful ways to engage in Judaism and affect change in the world.


Thank you for enabling us to do this holy work.

The Mission

IKAR’s mission is to reanimate Jewish life and develop a spiritual and moral foundation for a just and equitable society. Fusing piety and hutzpah, obligation, and inspiration, IKAR is a dynamic, multi-generational community that fosters a yearning for personal, purposeful, creative engagement in Jewish life, particularly among young and disaffected Jews. Rooted in Los Angeles and reaching globally, we strive to actively and intentionally celebrate the vibrancy and diversity of the Jewish people.