Chaplain Deborah Schmidt
Hesed Team

Chaplain Deborah Schmidt, BCC, believes every conversation is a sacred conversation. We all seek a Makom Kaddosh (sometimes referred to as God), where we can access Ruach H’Kodesh, a divine wholeness that resides within each of us. In 2011, after spending 25 years as a business lawyer, Deborah went back to school — in 2014 she earned an MA in Jewish Studies at the Academy of Jewish Religion CA and became a Board Certified Chaplain in 2016. She completed training as a Spiritual Director in November 2017. She has worked with patients and their families and supported staff at Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Skirball and Bristol Hospices, clients and their families in recovery at Beit T’Shuvah, and incarcerated men and women at LA County jails. She also works one-on-one with individuals who seek spiritual counseling and bereavement support. She is a trained Reiki practitioner. She is married to Rabbi/Doctor Avi Havivi, is the mother of 4 grown daughters and enjoys her garden, book groups and biking at the beach. Her family has been members of the Ikar community since 2005.