Educated Activist

We believe that the best activists are those who are educated about issues. Periodically, we read important books and host discussions with authors after services during lunch. We also host screenings and panel discussions.

Educated Activist In Sep
9/8/24, In Person, Just Action

Our next book discussion will take place in person on Sunday, September 8th at 4:00 pm. The address will be revealed when you commit to signing up.

We will be following up on a previous discussion of Richard Rothstein’s “The Color Of Law” about the history of redlining and housing discrimination in America with the book “Just Action: How to Challenge Segregation Enacted Under the Color of Law by Rothstein and his daughter, Leah.

The book describes how local community leaders and interested neighbors can effect change that can lead to equitable housing for everyone. We look forward to learning what we can do in our own city.

You are invited to read the book and/or watch the YouTube video of the authors talking about their work.

We look forward to seeing you at 4:00 on Sunday, September 8th. Light refreshments will be provided.

How the Word Is Passed
By Clint Smith
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The Color of Law
By Richard Rothstein
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City of Inmates
By Kelly Lytle Hernandéz
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Locked In
By John Pfaff
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Before the Law
By Jennifer Gonnerman
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Jay Z: For Father’s Day, I’m Taking On the Exploitative Bail Industry
By Shawn Carter
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Tattoos on the Heart
By Father Gregory Boyle
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The Hate U Give
By Angie Thomas
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Barking to the Choir
By Father Gregory Boyle
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The New Jim Crow
By Michele Alexander
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Just Mercy
By Bryan Stevenson
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Whistling Vivaldi
By Claude Steele
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Golden Gulag: Prisons, Surplus, Crisis and Opposition in Globalizing California
By Ruth Wilson Gilmore
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Anchor Baby
Produced and directed by Leanna Creel
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