Saturday, Feb 8 • 9:30 am to 12 pm
Board Shabbat
Meet and welcome our new Board members at Shabbat.
910 S Fairfax Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90036
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Virtual Morning Minyan
Sunday to Friday • 8 am
Virtual Morning Minyan
We need prayer and connection more than ever during this time. So every weekday at 8am, we will gather online for a half-hour Zoom of prayer and learning.
Jewish Poetry Circle
Wednesdays • 7 pm • NEXT: Today
Virtual Jewish Poetry Circle
Poetry can often heal, elevate the soul and awaken the heart.
Come join IKAR’s Jewish Poetry Circle as we read Jewish poets — the Oneg Shabbos poets of the Warsaw Ghetto, Medieval Sephardic poets, Israeli and Jewish-American poets up to the present—the historical context of their writing, spiritual relationships, personal agonies and joys.
The Circle is not an academic writing class but rather an informal experience of a committed group of participants to explore and hopefully bond with Jewish poetic expression and with each other.
By: Florene Rozen
Today • 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
Bargello Circle
Bargello is a needlework art that was popular during the Renaissance. The patterns are created by counting stitches on a canvas, as there is no printed pattern provided. It is very easy to learn and the beginner patterns are simple to create. You only need to be able to use a sewing needle and to count!
Intro to the Prayerbook
Thursday, Feb 6 • 7 pm to 9 pm
Intro to the Prayerbook with R’ Morris Panitz
With a focus on Shabbat morning liturgy, this class will help folks gain familiarity with the words and melodies that we sing each Saturday morning. No Hebrew skills? We’ve got you covered: prayers will be presented in English transliteration. No musical skills? No worries: we’ll teach the melodies note by note. At the end of this class, you’ll be confidently belting out all the greatest hits.
By: Rabbi Morris Panitz