Can I pay in installments?
Yes, our payment form offers that option.
How much of my payment is tax deductible?
Please consult your accountant.
Can I split my payment amount between several people?
Yes, please let us know who to expect payment from in your additional comments.
If I choose an external caterer, are IKAR kitchen staff available?
IKAR kitchen staff for prep and service are reduced when using an external caterer.
Who does IKAR use for catering?
IKAR’s In-House Catering is Del Cielo (aka. the fabulous “Marina”)
What if another IKAR event causes attendance to increase on the same day as my lunch?
IKAR will cover additional costs if/when estimates of attendees exceed the standard 200 count due to other scheduled Shabbat events on that day.
Who counts as an “additional guest” to the assumed 200 IKARites?
An additional guest is anyone who does not attend IKAR Shabbat services or lunch regularly.
Other questions?
Please email to schedule a meeting to discuss.