Our Healing Circle meets weekly to inspire connection and community, deepen spiritual practices that bring joy and strengthen resiliency during these challenging times.

We dip into the well of sacred texts and master teachers for direction and wisdom, as we each become compassionate listeners, spiritual friends and wise teachers to one another. Led by Dr. Aviva Feintech.

Meeting Details: This Healing Circle is now full. Stay tuned for the opening of a new group.

Interested in starting a new support group?

In community, life’s challenges need not be faced alone. Finding a support group to turn to, a Rabbi or mental health professional to confide in, or a resource from our tradition can make a real difference. We’d love to help facilitate these connections based on your needs and interests. If there’s enough interest in any given topic, we’ll help launch this group, connecting you with each other, trained facilitation, and the appropriate container for this sacred work.