Noah Schechter
Hello! My name is Noah Schechter. You might remember me from nearly dropping the Torah during hagbah, or the Simchat Torah where I predicted Hillary would handily win the 2016 election — emblematic, I’m sure, of the steady hands and prescient vision I hope to bring to the Board. I first came to IKAR for Kol Nidre in 2015, and very nearly arrived in a blue shirt. Thank god, someone had produced a snazzy video of YKs past, and I realized you people weren’t kidding about the dress in all white thing. I rushed home to change, ate a sandwich in my car, and 25 hours later left Neilah knowing I’d found my new spiritual home. In the years since, I’ve been lucky enough to read Torah, write and organize Purim spiels, and serve as a leader within the Tribe community. Mostly, though, I think of myself as a Shabbos morning Jew. Friday night’s cool, too. These days, I work as a writer-producer on NBC’s The Blacklist and live in Hollywood with my partner Kirie. Ikar is, hands down, my favorite part of living in Los Angeles.