Michelle Rosenthal
Immediate Past Board Chair

Michelle moved to Los Angeles in the summer of 2008 and she and her husband Isaac started exploring different synagogues for the High Holy Days. From the first time she came to IKAR, it felt like the right place to put down Jewish roots in Los Angeles. Her relationship with IKAR has evolved and deepened over the years, from Friday night services after work to baby namings and Bite Sized Shabbat services for her two daughters, to becoming part of IKAR’s wonderful Early Childhood Center community. 

Michelle has worked at the management consulting firm McKinsey & Company since 2007 and specializes in organizational topics such as leadership development, change management, and talent strategy.  Prior to joining McKinsey, she worked at a women’s microfinance bank

in rural India as part of a Fulbright fellowship, after graduating from Yale. She is honored to be part of IKAR’s board.