
We know a thing or two, but love to learn. We are diverse: still working and retired; single, divorced, widowed, and in a relationship; have children, grandchildren, pets, plants, or none of the above; Angelinos and transplants. What we have in common is IKAR, a multitude of experiences, and a desire to spend some of our time enjoying events and experiences with those in our age group. Approximately 60 and above.

Join us every Friday online for Happy Hour at 5pm PT. Want to connect more? Email Cate Silberstein: [email protected]

We want to hear from you
Interested in starting a new group?

No judgement, really. Newbies and ringers, seekers and cynics, activists and ambivalents; the dynamism of our community is based on its diversity. Our work is to ignite sparks and create points of access to an invigorating and purposeful Jewish life. There is a spot waiting for you at our table. Come be a part of our community.