Community Seder Checklist: What to Bring & Prepare
Are You Seder Ready? Here’s what you need to have at your table:
- Seder Plate (any large plate will do):
- Haroset – the sweet mortar – mixed chopped fruit, nuts, spices, and sweet wine
- Roasted Egg – celebrating Spring – or go vegan with a flower blossom
- Karpas – green leafy vegetable (parsley or celery are classics)
- Maror – bitter herb (horseradish)
- Hazeret – more bitterness (lettuce leaf)
- Zeroa – a lamb’s bone or go vegan with a beet
- Optional: an orange (lift up the LGBTQ+ community), a lock & key (for those
currently enslaved and incarcerated), a tomato (for farmworkers)
- Spring Hors d’oeuvres for dipping and noshing:
- Celery, carrots, chopped raw veggies
- Hard boiled eggs
- Gefilte Fish
- Olives
- Potatoes (however you like them!)
- A festive dinner
- Pillows – you want to be comfy
- Wash basin, cup, towel – we wash our hands multiple times
- Bowl of salt water
- Kiddush Cup (if you have one, or your fanciest cup)
- Grape Juice or Wine – enough for four cups per person
- Elijah’s Cup (option: Miriam’s cup) – other fancy goblets to have on the table
- Plate with three pieces of matza, cloth to cover matza, cloth to wrap the Afikomen in
- Computer/iPad/Tablet fully charged and set up
Coming to our community seder?
We invite you to bring a Passover heirloom or family photo to share.