Our Mission

Limudim inspires children and families to love Judaism, engage deeply with our tradition, and imagine a just community and world.

Core Values

בצלם אלוהים – Betzelem Elohim – Image of God

We honor the uniqueness and inestimable worth of every individual and affirm that all human beings are created in the image of God. Therefore, we treat everyone with kindness, empathy and respect. We welcome students and families of all races, ethnicities, abilities, sexual orientation, gender identities, and expression. And we warmly welcome interfaith and multifaith families.

תלמוד תורה – Talmud Torah – Jewish Learning

We engage deeply with Jewish ideas and encourage critical thinking and debate. Rooted in tradition, we seek to uncover creative, new paths to God, Torah, and living a Jewish life of purpose.  We honor each individual, recognizing that children learn differently.

צדק צדק תרדוף – Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof – Pursuit of Justice

We believe that the active pursuit of justice and dignity for all is core to what it means to be Jewish. We integrate that belief into everything we do at Limudim.

תשובה – Teshuvah – Reflecting and Repairing

We believe mistakes and missteps give us the opportunity to grow and take responsibility for our actions. Through the process of teshuvah we recognize and acknowledge what we have done wrong, work to repair the situation and learn for the future.

אהבת ישראל – Ahavat Yisrael – Love of Israel

We seek to instill in our students a meaningful connection to the people of Israel, wherever they live, and to the State of Israel, the homeland and heartland of the Jewish people. We believe that love is strengthened by sophisticated reflection and nuanced thinking, and we work to help our students navigate the complexities of the Israel conversation by reaffirming our commitment to the vision of Israel set out in the Declaration of the Establishment of the State: a Jewish and democratic Israel based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel, a state ensuring complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants.

כלל ישראל – Klal Yisrael – Jewish Peoplehood

We celebrate the rich, racial, ethnic, cultural and pluralistic diversity of our local Jewish community and of Jewish people from around the world, learning about the many varied practices, history, and experiences of Jewish people. We believe that embracing this diversity, including our broad spectrum of religious observance, strengthens us as individuals and as a community.