2024 IKAR Election Engagement

IKAR Election Engagement: Now Is the Time to Turn our Hope into Action!

2024 IKAR Ballot Measure Endorsements

Local Action: In LA County and California, IKAR has endorsed YES or NO votes on 6 ballot measures that reflect our shared values and are important for us to speak out about. Read our endorsements here.

  • Yes on Proposition 3We at IKAR believe that everyone has a right to marry who they love. We will not let our LGBTQ+ friends and family members become second-class citizens because of who they love. Prop 3 overturns Prop 8 and enshrines the equal legal status of same-sex marriages in the CA State Constitution.
  • Yes on Proposition 5We at IKAR believe that all communities should be safe, accessible, sustainable, and affordable. We will not delay that future by making it harder to build affordable housing, climate-friendly transit, and equitable public safety services. Prop 5 lowers the local infrastructure bond threshold from 66% to 55%, making it easier for cities to build affordable housing and infrastructure to reach their public safety, housing, and environmental goals.
  • Yes on Proposition 6We at IKAR believe slavery is wrong in all its forms. We will not allow CA to perpetuate the sins of a Pharaoh who enslaved us millennia ago. Prop 6 would amend the State Constitution to ban all forms of slavery including for people who are incarcerated.
  • Yes on Proposition 32We at IKAR believe that everyone should be paid a living wage for their labor. We will not let those whose labor gives life to our communities be forced out by the cost of living. Prop 32 reduces economic distress by raising the minimum wage to $18 per hour starting in January, 2025 and pegging the minimum wage to inflation starting in January 2027.
  • No on Proposition 36We at IKAR believe that incarceration is not the same thing as justice. We will not repeat the unjust judicial practices that have so devastated the communities of our poor neighbors and our neighbors of color. Prop 36 partially repeals Prop 47, charging repeat offenders who steal for the third time with a felony, regardless of the value of the merchandise. It will also increase prison terms for selling and possessing drugs such as fentanyl and will divert money from rehabilitation into prisons, returning us to the failed war on drugs.
  • Yes on LA County Measure AWe at IKAR believe that the work to end homelessness must advance until all our neighbors know the justice of stable housing. We will support the organizations and workers who extend that justice to those who need it. Measure A will fund outreach, healthcare, and case management services to help get people stable and move them indoors, as well as funding to build affordable homes across the county.

Talk to our Community at Services: Do you enjoy schmoozing at services? Sign up to talk to IKARites about the ballot measures as a Shabbat Mingler.

Be an Election Day poll worker with Power the Polls: Are you ready to make an impact in Los Angeles and strengthen and empower our democracy this Election Day? Serve as a poll worker to ensure a fair and inclusive election process, embodying Jewish values like the preciousness of each human, kavod habriyot and justice, tzedek.

By serving as a poll worker, you’ll play a crucial role in supporting your local voting location, ensuring technology functions smoothly, and reducing long lines. This effort is vital for guaranteeing that everyone can exercise their right to vote without barriers. Your service today inspires continued engagement and justice for tomorrow!

Commit just 12 hours on Election Day, plus 1-2 hours for training, and you can make a difference! Many municipalities even offer stipends for your invaluable service.

We’re proud to partner with Power the Polls, a nonpartisan initiative dedicated to safe, fair, and accessible elections for all. This is a direct way to strengthen our democracy and live out our Jewish values. Sign up and learn more.