
2 years ago • Oct 15, 2022
Preserving Doubt
Sukkos VI (CH”M) Sermon. We think of the Bible as a fixed book, but an ancient debate amongst the Rabbis reveal how close Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) came to being left out of the canon. What’s so dangerous about this book of the Bible, and why is crucially important that it found its way in?
By: Rabbi Morris Panitz
3 years ago • Sep 25, 2021
A Time to Dance: Simchat Torah, The Last Happy Memory!
Sukkot V 5782 Sermon. As health conditions permit, the deep human need to connect and to celebrate must also re-emerge. Simchat Torah offers the opportunity to claim our freedom through dance: on Zoom, in pods, or socially-distanced. But the time has come to rise up and dance our light and our power.
By: Rabbi Brad Artson
3 years ago • Sep 21, 2021
Sukkot and the Garden of Eden
Sukkot I 5782 Sermon. What if Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkot were dramatic re-enactments of Adam and Eve’s journey from the security of the Garden to the uncertainty of life outside of Eden?  Sukkot symbolizes the fateful moment of exiting the garden… but with a twist.  Leaving Eden isn’t a punishment; it’s what makes life beautiful.
By: Rabbi Morris Panitz
6 years ago • Sep 29, 2018
Dream Big
Shabbat Sukkot VI Sermon. Rabbi Brad Artson Life tries to make us small, boxed inside our fears, resentments and longings. Judaism asks us to dream big, to see beyond the constraints, to live expansively and with courage.
By: Rabbi Brad Artson