Jeremy Rosenthal
Board Chair
Jeremy Rosenthal is committed to service. He is married to Gwen Shelden Rosenthal, principal at Briskin Elementary School at Temple Israel of Hollywood, and together they have three children: Ezra, Micah, and Eli. Jeremy and Gwen first met as Roshe Edot (unit heads) at Camp Ramah, where Jeremy now serves on the executive board.
Longtime members of IKAR, Jeremy and Gwen have been passionate supporters since its early days. They are devoted to tithing their time, expertise, financial resources, and even regularly giving blood, in pursuit of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world. Their engagement with IKAR empowers them to build a transformative community grounded in Jewish tradition and committed to creating a more compassionate, empathetic, and just society.
Jeremy is honored to serve as Chair of IKAR’s Board. Together with IKAR’s clergy, Executive Committee, and Board, he strives to realize IKAR’s vision of seeing and holding each individual and the community itself to enable each of us to do our part to repair the world.
When not working with IKAR, Jeremy is a partner with Force 10, where he guides companies through financial and operational distress and complex business challenges. He holds a J.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law, and a B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley.
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